A World Without Photosynthesis


Process of photosynthesis

      1.  Photosynthesis is make up of two words, photo and synthesis. Photo means light while synthesis means putting                           together.

      2.Photosynthesis is to change carbon dioxide into organic compounds.

      3.The easiest way to understand what photosynthesis would refers to a process of making food.

      4.Photosynthesis is also a process of plants producing air then giving it out.

      5.The process of photosynthesis is performed by certain plants.

      6.The process of photosynthesis needs direct sunlight in order to make its own food.

The importance of photosynthesis

  1. Plants release oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. Without photosynthesis plants will die.Without plants,living things around us will die as plants.
  2. Living things need air to survive. Without plants, there will not be enough air for living things to breathe in.
  3. The products of photosynthesis is glucose which is a source of carbohydrate like starches etc.
  4. The process of photosynthesis also produces fat, proteins, maltose and sucrose.
  5. Photosynthesis happens in the day when the sun shines because the plants need sunlight to produce energy and many more.
  6. Plants release oxygen takes in carbon dioxide. Without photosynthesis plants will die. When there are no plants living things will die as plants give out oxygen.

How will it affect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis

  1. Without photosynthesis, it will affect the plants as it could not make food.
  2. Without plants having energy, it will also affect every living things.
  3. If there is no photosynthesis, plants will not have energy to make food.
  4. If plants die, some animals will not have food as they feed on certain plants. Especially some humans feed on both plants and animals. When animals die of hunger, we will also not have food.
  5. Photosynthesis is related to the survival and life of many different species of creatures living on earth .
  6. Photosynthesis also supplies both food and energy to living things around us. It will affect the living things as they will not have food and energy.